Undergraduate Students

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Academic Planning

选择专业是大学生所能做的最具决定性的决定之一. 对探索专业感兴趣的学生应该与顾问/成功教练会面.

Center for Major Exploration & Mane Connect Success Coaching

专业探索中心为有兴趣探索专业和职业选择的学生提供建议. 辅导员帮助犹豫不决的学生探索他们的兴趣, 技能, 以及与他们感兴趣的专业相关的能力,以帮助他们选择最适合他们职业目标的专业. 主要探索中心与任何分类的学生一起工作, 包括转到大学的学生和从其他院系来的学生. 主要探索中心的顾问也为一年级学生提供成功教练,为他们提供成功度过大学第一年所需的技能.

College of 艺术 & 信

To declare a major in the College of 艺术 and 信, 你必须在ENGL 110C英语写作中获得C或以上的成绩,并完成26个学分. 联系你选择的主要部门的顾问主要申报.

Strome College of Business

To declare a major in the Strome College of Business, 直接亲自或通过电子邮件与本科咨询办公室联系, businessadvising@mindtinkering.com.

School of Cybersecurity

To declare a major in the School of Cybersecurity, 你必须在ENGL 110C英语写作中获得C或以上的成绩,并完成30个学分. 强烈建议在数学162M预微积分中获得C或以上的成绩.

Darden College of Education & Professional Studies

To declare 你的专业 in the Darden College of Education & 专业研究,联系您选择的主要部门顾问.

Batten College of Engineering & 技术

申报你在巴顿工程技术学院的专业, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Successfully complete ENGN 110 and 111
  • Earn 30 credit hours applicable to the degree
  • Have an overall GPA of 2.0或更高
  • 满足任何其他特定的院系入学要求(如英语110C学分), a grade of C or better in MATH 162M and MATH 163 for engineering technology or MATH 211 and MATH 212 for engineering majors; and completed at least PHYS 231N for engineering majors and PHYS 111N for engineering technology majors).

联系工程基础部,考夫曼大厅132室或致电(757)683 -5877了解更多信息.

College of 健康 Sciences

健康科学学院的专业录取是通过一个单独的申请程序来管理的, apart from admission to the University. 被大学录取并不构成或保证被健康科学专业录取.

College of Sciences


To declare 你的专业 as Biology, you must first complete BIOL 121N/122N, BIOL 123N/124N, CHEM 121N/122N成绩为C或以上,并且至少在Old Dominion学习了一个学期的课程. 与你的学术顾问会面,回顾你的专业申报进展.

To declare a major in Psychology, see the requirements 在这里.

To declare a major in Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, 海洋, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences or Physics, contact the chief departmental advisor.

Honors College

荣誉学院的录取是竞争激烈的,是根据高中平均成绩和课程选择一年级学生, Scholastic Aptitude Test scores, 班级排名, and a written personal statement. 转学生有资格申请,并根据3分被录取.8 transfer GPA, 能够完成至少48学分的ODU学位, and two letters of recommendation from college faculty members.


所有寻求学位的学生都被分配给一名学术顾问. 每学期与你的导师见面,讨论你的学术和职业目标, 你的专业, course schedule and success plan to stay on track. 有关我们所有咨询中心和顾问的列表,请参阅我们的 Undergraduate Advising 目录.

First Year Student Success


Our goals are:

  • 使学生能够为自己的学术生涯负责.
  • 协助学生了解学术要求和大学期望.
  • 支持一年级学生的智力参与和批判性思维.
  • 帮助学生树立对校园资源的认识,促进校园资源的利用.

We accomplish our goals through the following services:

Early Alert Response System (EARS) 期中成绩公布后,我们会联系那些获得一个以上警告等级(C-或以下)的新生,并邀请他们开会复习课程, 讨论资源并为本学期剩下的时间制定学术计划. 这项外展活动与住房和居住生活协调,以便我们能够接触到尽可能多的学生.

UNIV 110/ACAF 100 - Academic Success - Freshmen who are on Academic Warning (less than a 2.0)第一学期结束后,必须在春季学期注册学术成功课程/研讨会. This program helps students create a success plan, learn study 技能 and time management strategies, 并帮助他们在未来的学术生涯中做出坚实的决定.

Peer Advising -一组经过挑选的本科生接受培训,以帮助其他学生浏览和获取可用资源. The outreach is done in residence halls, academic buildings, the student center as well as the Library.